top tips for an Effective work break

How to be healthy working from home.

As companies become more aware of the health and safety of remote workers, you may have been advised by your company to take regular breaks. But what exactly does regular mean? What are the reasons for them and how do you ensure it is effective? 

If your job involves sitting at a computer for most of the day then the aim of a work break is to use your body in a different way, to increase your heart rate, and to move your body out of a chair shape. Another reason is to allow your mind to switch off.  Workplace fatigue is common when minds aren’t given a rest. By building in regular 5 minute breaks our ability to focus and concentrate improves and this impacts our productivity. 

Tony Schwartz, the founder of The Energy Project, shows that humans naturally move from full focus and energy to physiological fatigue every 90 minutes. He reminds us that our body sends us signals to rest and renew, but we override them with coffee, energy drinks, and sugar. Schwartz suggests that we need to purposely take short breaks every 90 minutes throughout the day to drink water, walk, or to eat healthy snacks. His mantra is, “Pulse and pause.”  This has been shown to boost productivity as well as being healthy. 

5 Top tips for an effective work break

  1. Exercise - 30 seconds of dancing, 30 seconds of squats.

  2. Avoid screen time during the break - resist using your break to reply to messages or look at social media.

  3. Fresh air - a brisk 10-minute walk before work or at lunchtime is a great way to stay focused and healthy. This was common practice in the office environment.

  4. Hydrate - keep water at your workspace topped up. A common cause of headaches is dehydration.

  5. Box breathing for 2 minutes, to allow the mind to switch off - breath in for 4, hold for 4, breathe out for 4, hold for 4. Repeat for 2 minutes.


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